Popular Music Program at ASU's Career Conference

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ASU Fusion on First, 3801 N. First Ave., Phoenix

The Popular Music Program at Arizona State University will be bringing together both local and domestic music industry professionals to its state-of-the-art facilities in Downtown Phoenix to engage its student body and the cultural community they are embedded in. This event is focused both on engaging with the industry as it exists today and how we as future leaders can form and shape the industry of tomorrow. The program includes conference panels and conversations, as well as masterclasses, performances, jam sessions and mentoring opportunities.

The conference is open to the public. General admission is $100. (Free entry to all students across universities, community colleges and high schools in Arizona with student ID.)

For more information and to register, visit https://asuevents.asu.edu/event/asu%E2%80%99s-popular-music-industry-career-conference

The Popular Music Program at ASU is a contemporary, industry focused degree program that prepares students for today's music industry by creating multi-disciplinary creative professionals that are entrepreneurial, collaborative and lifelong learners.

There will also be a summer program for high school students June 11-17. Learn more here: https://musicdancetheatre.asu.edu/resources/summer/middle-high-school/popular-music-summer-camp.